Thursday, October 27, 2011

I just want....

To be warm.

I understand that I live in New England, but I see snowflakes.

It's October. This is sooooooo unbelievably far from okay with me. My fingers are freezing. Might be looking up a crochet pattern for gloves soon. I can't crochet in gloves. This is going to be a problem.  =(

Anyways, cracked rib is healing. Today is the first decent day since Monday. I'm not fooling myself though, I have a long time left to heal. I'm just making sure to keep myself medicated and not do too much.

As for my beloveds....

Jolie's learning to read! She loves it so much and its so exciting for her! She went apple picking with her class last week and loved that too. She adores school and everything about it. She's also been a HUGE help since I  was added to the injured players list. She's my "little mama". Her hair is finally long enough for a pony tail again... I'm praying we're done with the "cut my own hair" phase.

Peter is a monster. No, really. He runs around yelling "RAWR". A lot. He gives great "yummy kisses", amazing snuggles, and is fun to share a blanket with while watching cartoons. He doesn't always make sense though. Like right now. He just told me he wants "rainbow fish". No idea what he's trying to get at.

Beth is far too old to only be 7. She's a near constant drama queen. Someone needs to be the drama queen. I mean its just not right not to have a drama queen in the family. And she's damn good at her chosen role. She's in love with science, so I think we're going to start doing some simple science experiments on the weekends. She'll love that!

Monkey is my giggler. Right now he's at the stage in life where everything is so funny. And his laugh is infectious. I can't help but giggle with him. He's not really in a snuggling stage and that sucks because I love snuggling with him, but watching him explore everything is crazy fun too. He's talking up a storm... and trying new foods constantly.

That's my update. Now I'm off to decide what I'm crocheting tonight. I think I'll work more on my flower. I really love the flower cushion and can't wait to see how mine comes out!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have your hands full. It's a wonder you have time to post. Keep up the good work, mama.
